Trimbak Mukut

Panditji in Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple

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trimbak Mukut
Pandit ji Profile
Id Code : TXR
Name: Akshay Lakhalgaonkar
Age: 32 Years
Experience: 19 Years
  1. Narayan Nagbali
  2. Tripindi Shradh
  3. Kaal Sarp Yog
  4. Kumbh Vivah
  5. Mahamritunjay Jaap
  6. Rudra Abhisheka

  I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!

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Sangita Pathak, Rajasthan
Date : 11 Aug 2022
Narayan nagbali and tripindi shradh vidhi at trimbakeshwar.

The rituals of Narayan Nagbali and Tripindi Shradh were performed by Shri Akshay Lakhalgaonkar Panditji at Trimbakeshwar. He is a local resident of Trimbakeshwar named Purohitsangh Guruji. There is a tamrapatra of history associated with them. In accordance with hereditary traditions, they perform rituals here with full authority from the Supreme Court. Our online booking for the puja was made through Trimbakeshwar's website, Guruji. As per the Muhurat, he contacted Panditji and told us to come to Trimbakeshwar. In accordance with his method, Guruji presented the materials needed for the puja. Traditionally, they worship according to the scriptures. He was very well informed about The Narayan Nagbali and Tripindi Shradh rituals. What are Narayan Nagbali Puja and Tripindi Shradh rituals? And why and when is this puja performed? This was explained with a complete explanation. People come to them from many states to perform various pujas like Kalsarpa Dosh, Mahamrityunjaya Chanting, Kumbh Marriage, and Rudrabhishek. It was a great satisfaction to do the puja. Thank you, Guruji.

sandip bhojne, Mumbai.
Date : 10 Aug 2022
Karkotak Kalsarpa Yog at trimbakehshwar.

In my horoscope was Karkotak Kalsarpa Yoga. Purohit Sangh Guruji Shri Akshay Lakhalgaonkar guided me to perform Kalasarp Dosh Nivaran Shanti Puja at Trimbakeshwar. There are 12 types of Kalsarpa Dosh, out of which Karkotak Kalsarpa Yog Dosh is one of its types. When Rahu is in the eighth place in a person's horoscope, Ketu planets appear in the second place and other planets are located between these two planets, then such yoga is called "Karkotaka Kalsarpa Yoga" in astrology. Guruji guided very well. Effects of Kalsarpa Dosh, Benefits of Kalsarpa Dosh, How does Kalsarpa Dosh occur in our lives? Panditji gave full information about this. The puja was performed at Trayambakeshwar as per the muhurat mentioned by him. It was a good benefit to worship. Thank you

अक्षय सोनवणे
Date : 16 Jul 2022
नारायण नागबली पूजा ,त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध विधी

त्र्यंबकेश्वर (नाशिक) येथे श्री अक्षय लखलगावकर पंडितजींनी आमच्यासाठी नारायण नागबली पूजा आणि त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध विधी पारंपारिक पद्धतीने विधी, केल्याबद्दल आम्ही त्यांचे खूप आभारी आहोत. ते सर्व विधी सोप्या पद्धतीने समजावून सांगतात, आम्हाला ही पूजा करून मनाची पूर्ण शांती झाली. मला हे देखील सांगायला आवडेल की ते प्रामाणिकपणे लोकांना सुचवतात की, पूजा व्यक्तीने का करायला पाहिजे. तसेच वर्षभर हे विधी करणाऱ्या इतर पुजाऱ्यांप्रमाणे नाही, तर तिथी उपलब्ध असेल तरच ते तिथी सुचवतात. त्यांनी आम्हाला प्रत्येक गोष्टी मध्ये मदत केली.

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