Trimbak Mukut

Panditji in Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple

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trimbak Mukut
Pandit ji Profile
Id Code : VJJ
Name: Uday Dixit
Age: 57 Years
Experience: 40 Years
  1. Narayan Nagbali
  2. Tripindi Shradh
  3. Kaal Sarp Yog
  4. Mahamrityunjay Jaap
  5. Rudra Abhisheka
  6. Nakshtra Dosh
  7. Kumbh Vivah
  8. Nav Grah Shanti
  9. Grahan Shanti

  I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!

Jai Shree Krishna!Namaste! I am Pdt. Shree. UdayDinkarshastri Dixit, a SthanikTeerthPurohit at the holy place Trimbakeshwar in the state of Maharashtra, India. I am one of the authorized members and TeerthPurohits of the ‘PurohitSangh, Trimbakeshwar’ – the Authorized and Registered organization of Localized Brahmins which controls all the DharmikWidhis which are performed here at the bank of the Godavari and some Dharmik places near the Temple of Lord Trimbakeshwar, one of the twelve Jyotirlingas in the world. From our ancestors, we are performing all kinds of DharmikWidhis here for the past Hundreds of years and continuing. Our future generations are also carrying our traditions with the same spirit ahead. The main motive behind this Practices is to satisfy the Shraddhalus who came here to perform various Poojas and Widhis to attain Sadgati to their Ancestors. The place Trimbakeshwar is located at the bank of the Godavari which has its origin on the mountain range of BrahmagiriParwata and itself is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas in the world. The place is also known for the Kumbh Mela, which comes in every twelve years. To perform all kinds of Dharmik Poojas and Widhis effectively, we are taught and trained by our highly experienced and VidvanGurujis as well as our previous generations with Vedic knowledge they have. This is called GURUKULA paddhati. We are now carrying ahead the same with our next Generation. As a Purohit, I am practising these Dharmik Poojas and Widhis like Narayan Bali, Nag Bali, Kalsarp Shanti, Tripindi Shraddha, Teerth Shraddha, Rudra Abhishek, Mahamrutyunjay Jap Anushthaan, NavGrah Shanti, Various NakshatraDosha Shanti, etc for the last 38+ years and now my next generation is also helping me out in this work from last 10+ years. The Yajman’s/ Shraddhalu’s satisfaction is the ultimate goal that we have to achieve by doing these things and hence they also give us such satisfactory feedback after the completion of that Poojas and Wid his. We feel that everything we are doing here as a Purohit is just like a working media between the Lord Trimbakrajand the Shraddhalus. We just have to follow our traditions, our ethics and the rest of the work regarding their Results is done by Lord Trimbakeshwar on its own. And hence we can say it confidently and proudly that we are different from some unauthorized Gurujis here, who just does these things only to get some money out of it. This digital platform is only to differentiate these two bodies and to make Shraddhalus aware of Vedic Traditions of the TeerthKshetraTrimbakeshwar.Jai Shree Krishna!

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Anuradha Borate, Pune
Date : 04 Feb 2025
पितृ दोष (नाग नारायण बली पूजा)

आम्ही ३ दिवस नाग नारायण बली पूजा करण्यासाठी त्रिंबकेश्र्वर येथे गेलो. सुरुवातीला बऱ्याच शंका होत्या मनात पुजेविषयी. आपण तेथे पोहोचल्या नंतर गुरुजींचे चिरंजीव चंद्रशेखर गुरुजी यांनी सर्व शंका प्रश्न यांचे योग्य रीतीने निराकरण केले. त्यानंतर पूर्ण पूजेविषयी आम्हाला वेळोवेळी मार्गदर्शन देखील केले. आम्ही पूर्णतः या ट्रीटमेंट बद्दल समाधानी आहोत. सर्वांना विनंती करते की जेव्हा कुणाला त्रिंबाकेश्र्वर येथे कुठल्याही धार्मिक पूजेला जायचं असेल तर नक्की श्री. उदय शास्त्री दीक्षित गुरुजी यांना भेटा. आपली पूजा खूप छान करतील ते.

Deepali C
Date : 03 Feb 2025
Tripindi shrdha

Very good pooja experience. Highly recommended

AK Sahay
Date : 27 Mar 2024
महामृत्युंजय जप

अपने अच्छी सेहत के लिये त्र्यंबकेश्वर मे 3 दिन का महामृत्युंजय का सवा लाख जप किया. 10 से 12 गुरुजी ने जाप किया. उस के बाद 3रे दिन हवन भी किया. श्री उदय दीक्षित गुरुजी ऑर उन के पुत्र चंद्रशेखर जी स्वयं पुरे कार्य मे उपस्थित थे. बहुत ही अच्छा अनुभव था. श्री उदय दीक्षित गुरुजी बहुत ही prompt है पूजा के बारे मे.highly recommend

Vishakha jogi
Date : 27 Mar 2024
कालसर्प शांती पूजा

त्र्यंबकेश्वर येथे कालसर्प संती ची पूजा केली. उदय गुरुजींनी स्वतः पूजा सांगितली. खूप छान अनुभव होता. इतर लोकांना नक्की गुरुजिंबद्दल सुचवेन.

Radha Dubey
Date : 02 Jan 2024
Kumbh vivah

I had some marriage issues and Mangal dosh in my horoscope. I have been told to perform Kumbh vivah at Trimbakeshwar. I have visited it in. October did the pujan and within 1 and half month I found my life partner. It was such amazing experience i can't express in words.tha k you guruji ..

Vidyut sharma
Date : 02 Jan 2024
Pitru dosh

I performed Pitru dosh pujan recently. Gyrujis knowledge and the command on the process was very good. I will highly recommend Uday Dixit guruji for Narayan nagbali and kalsarp dosh shanti pujan. Hare Krishna

सनी दुबे
Date : 14 Sep 2023
पित्र दोष

पित्र दोष , वैवाहिक समस्या Very satisfied with uday dixit pandit ji. Thank you i will recommend to my friends and relatives

A Chaudhary
Date : 28 Jun 2023
चांडाल योग शांती पूजन

मेरे पुत्र की जन्म कुंडली मे गुरू राहू चांडाल नाम का जनान दोष था. जिस से जन्म दोष लगा था. उसे निकालने के लिये गुरू चांडाल शांती श्री क्षेत्र त्रिंबकेशवर मे आ कर की. श्री दीक्षित गुरुजी ने स्वयं यह पूजन किया. प्रभू त्रिंबकराज की आसिम कृपा से हमारी यात्रा सुलभ परिपूर्ण संपन हुई. नमस्ते!

Mahesh Ahir GJ
Date : 24 Jun 2023
महामृत्युंजय जाप

नमस्ते मैने प्रभू श्री त्र्यंबकेश्वर भगवान के आशिष पाने हेतू 4 दिन का श्री महामृत्युंजय जाप ऑर हवन का अनुष्ठान श्री उदय दीक्षित गुरुजी एवं श्री चंद्रशेखर दीक्षित गुरुजी इन के माध्यम से गत सप्ताह मे श्रीक्षेत्र त्र्यंबकेश्वर यहाँ आ कर श्रद्धा पूर्ण अंतःकरण से पूर्ण किया. जिस तरह से इस विषय मे गुरुजी का अनुभव एवं कार्य के प्रती उन का समर्पण मैने स्वयं अनुभव किया है वो अद्भुत हैं. उन्हे इस सब कार्य के लिये सादर धन्यवाद. जय श्री कृष्ण! हरहर महादेव!

Date : 22 Jun 2023
Pitrudosh pooja

We performed Narayan nagbali pooja at Trimbakeshwar. Shri Uday Dixit guruji performed this pooja excellently. Highly recommended. Hare Krishna

Lalit Singhal
Date : 18 Sep 2022
Lalit Singhal

Pooja was performed very nicely, I am very happy and satisfied with Dixit guruji

santosh bachav, Mumbai
Date : 11 Aug 2022
Pitrudosh Nivaran vidhi by Purohitsangh panditji.

My father had a problem with pitru dosh in our house. We performed the puja from Shri Uday Dixit Panditji at Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga to perform Narayan Nagbali Puja. They provided information about this puja in the best way possible. Importance of performing Narayan Nagbali Puja Benefits of Narayan Nagbali Puja Why Narayan Nagbali Puja is performed. Narayana Nagabali Puja is performed all over India only at Trayambakeshwar. So Guruji advised us to worship here. One has to stay at Trimbakeshwar for 3 days to perform this puja. The best arrangements are made by the Guruji here for stay and food. They provided us with the materials required for the puja. The puja went well. The mind felt very good by doing the puja. Thank you.

ધર્મેન્દ્ર દંગી ગુજરાત
Date : 26 Jul 2022
પિતૃદોષ અને નારાયણ બલી પૂજન

શ્રી ત્રંબકેશ્વર રાજ કી જય હો શ્રી શ્રી ગુરુ શ્રી ઉદય દીક્ષિત જી તથા ચંદ્રશેખર દીક્ષિત જી ના કર કમલો દ્વારા પિતૃદોષ અને નારાયણ બલી પૂજન ખૂબ જ આધ્યાત્મિક સ્વરૂપે અને સચોટ શ્લોક દ્વારા કરાવે છે અને ત્રણ દિવસના પૂજન દરમિયાન સચોટ પૂજન અને આયોજન હોય છે શ્રી ગુરુજી અને તેમના પુત્ર નું આધ્યાત્મિક જ્ઞાન અવિશ્મનીય છે તેઓના આશીર્વાદ થકી આજે હું મારા ખરાબ સમયને ટાળી શક્યો છું તેઓનું પૂજન વિધિ અને આયોજન સમયસર અને ખૂબ જ સરસ રીતે સમજાવે છે ધન્ય છે ગુરુદેવને જેના ચરણ કમલ માં રહેવાનું સ્થાન મળ્યું છે જય હો શ્રી ત્રંબકેશ્વર રાજ ને નમન.

Navjot Kang
Date : 22 Jul 2022
Kaal sarp pooja

Very spiritual and professionally satisfying Kriya.

Narayan kadam
Date : 19 Jul 2022
The good experience at trimbakeshwar was by performing Narayan nagbali puja and tripindi shradh vidh

Under the guidance of Shri Uday Dixit Guruji in Trimbakeshwar, we performed Narayan Nagbali and Tripindi Shradh rituals. The puja lasted for three days the entire three-day activity was strictly planned. He has a deep knowledge of Hindu culture, Vedas, and shastras, and he best explained the importance of the rituals we performed. Worshipping with them was a delightful and life-enriching experience. I feel a very positive change in their architecture while handling the activities of these three days.

Date : 16 Feb 2022
Pitru dosh pooja

We performed Narayan Nagbali pooja and Tripindi shradh at triambakeshwar under the guidance of Shri Uday ji Dixit guruji. He has excellent knowledge as well as experience. And the way they explain things regarding pooja widhis is the best thing we experienced. Thanks

Saswata Bose
Date : 28 Oct 2021
Excellent Puja of Tripindi Sradh and Amavasya Puja and Grahan Dosh Puja

Excellent Puja done by Uday Dixit Ji and Chandrasekhar Dixit Ji. All rituals were explained and guided by them in very easy way. After Puja Feeling great.

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