I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!
मे श्री रतिश दिवाकर जोशी
श्री क्षेत्र त्र्यंबकेश्वर स्थानिक तीर्थपुरोहित मूल गोदावरी उपाध्याय
श्री क्षेत्र त्र्यंबकेश्वर बारा ज्योतिर्लिंग मे से दस नंबर का ज्योतिर्लिंग है यह ज्योतिर्लिंग के अलावा बाकी ग्यारह ज्योतिर्लिंग मे सिर्फ शिवजी का स्वरूप है यह एक मात्र ज्योतिर्लिंग ऐसा है कि यहाँ सृष्टी के उत्पत्ती करता ब्रह्माजी पोषण करता विष्णुजी संहार करता शिवजी ये तीनो देवता प्रत्यक्ष स्वरूप मे विराजमान होने के कारण इसे आद्य ज्योतिर्लिंग माना जाता है उसी प्रकारे महामृत्युंजय भी कहा जाता है इन देवताओं से अपने कुटुंब की आरोग्यता हेतू महामृत्युंजय जप, रुद्रभिषेक, लघुरुद्र, महारुद्र स्वाहाकार इ. प्रकारसे अनुष्ठान पूजा कर सक्ते है...
त्र्यंबकेश्वर मे ब्रह्मगिरी नामक पर्वत है जब गौतम ऋषि को गोहत्या का पातक लगा तब उन्होने ब्रह्मगिरी पर्वत पर शिवजी की तपश्चर्या की तब उनकी तपश्चर्या से शिवजी प्रसन्न हूवे और उन्होने गंगाजी को धरती पर अवतरीत किया इस लिए गौतमी गंगा एवं गोदावरी इन नामो से संबोधित किया जाता है गोदावरी गंगा उगमसे दक्षिण कि और प्रवाहीत होणे के कारण हमारे पितरोंको अथवा प्रेतआत्माओको मोक्ष देणे हेतू प्रवाहीत है सनातन धर्म मे मनुष्य के मृत्यु उपरांत उसकी पत्नी उसकी चिता मे उसके साथ अपना देहत्याग करती थी उसे सती जाणा कहते थे यहापर सती का महास्मशान होनेके कारण यहाँ विशेष रूप से अज्ञात अतृप्त आत्मओ के मुक्ती हेतू नारायण नागबली, त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध, तीर्थश्राद्ध, विष्णुबली इ.धार्मिक कार्य किये जाते है...
बृहस्पती(गुरु) सिहं राशीं म प्रवेश कर ते ही सिहंस्थ कुंभ पर्व शुरु होता है त्र्यंबकेश्वर मे दस आखाडे है उन्मेसे 7 नागा संन्यासी और 3 उदासीन आखाडे है इन सब आखाडो के महात्मा कुशावर्त कुंड पर आकार शाही स्नान करते है उन्मेसे निरंजणी और तपोनिधी आनंद आखाडे के हम तीर्थ पुरोहित है उनके धार्मिक कार्य पूजा बतानेकी हमारे घराणेकि पुराणी परंपरा है ये सिहंस्थ कुंभ पर्व बारा वर्षे मे होता है इसे पूर्ण कुंभ यांनी सिहंस्थ कुंभ कहते है...
ज्योतिर्लिंग महत्त्व प्राप्त नगरी मे पितरोंका का उद्धार होता है साथ ही मनुष्य के उज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग भी सुलभ होता है इसीलिए धार्मिक विधान के अनुसार नारायण नागबली, त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध, कालसर्प दोष, मंगल दोष, कुंभविवाह, रुद्राभिषेक, नवग्रह पूजा, महामृत्युंजय जप, लघुरुद्र, महारुद्र स्वाहाकार, विष्णूबली इ.धार्मिक कार्य प्रमुख तौर पर किये जाते है...
'आद्य ज्योतिर्लिंग' नाम से हमारा इंस्टाग्राम चैनल हैं।
Kaal sarp puja
Panditji did the shanti pooja very well. Full knowledge on the process, excellent mantrocharan. Very humble person.Highly recommend.
I recently in Nov'22 got the kaal sarp pooja done from Pandit Shri Ratish Joshi Ji. The pooja was quite elaborate and each and everything was well explained by pandit ji while doing the pooja. Pandit ji shared a lot of explanations during the process, some examples and fruitful experiences from the pooja. It was a divine and a fulfilling experience. It gave me immense peace. I just feel that it was done at the right time, at the right place and with the help of right source. Thank you much Pandit ji for executing the pooja for me. Pranam?
Ratish Guruji is one of the best pooja performers in Trimbakeshwar. They are never in hurry to complete the puja nor rushes devotees for fast process. They always explain every Mantras in detail and always insist devotees to make proper and clear pronouncing of each Mantras. If some pronouncation goes wrong he repeats the same and continue. We can feel the vibrations while they are chanting pooja. We perform Laghu Abhishek on every Saturday. Om Namah Shivay.
I contacted Joshi guruji via portal. We have done Narayan Nagbali and tripindi shradh pooja very holistically. He explained pooja to us. He and his family are very humble and down to earth.
I would like to thank Pandit Ratish Joshi for this, he Guided and supported me for performing Atigand Shanti Pooja. He did the rituals and Pooja with extreme sincerity, slowly and with commitment, management and devotion and explained me in details about the vidhi's and for what purpose we was doing that, it was good experiance and i got satisfied and was blessed to do that under his guidance.
I would like to thank Pandit Mr Ratish Joshi ji for all his support and help for performing laghu rudra Abhishek Pooja.. He did the rituals and Pooja with extreme sincerity , commitment, devotion and made it truely devine experience for me .. Agadi shastra shudha Pooja Keli... Manala samadhan zala... And he has been in contact with me , guiding me even post Pooja as a friend... Thank u
The Kaal Sarp dosh Nivaaran puja was performed at Trimbakeshwar by Shri Ratish Joshi Purohit Sangh Guruji. The worship experience of Guruji is very fulfilling. They provided me with very detailed information about puja. He explained the benefits of doing puja at Trayambakeshwar. Additionally, the most suitable accommodation and pooja materials were provided. Puja was performed with clear pronunciation of the mantra. He explained why the effects of Kalsarpa Dosha can cause pain in our lives, and how to remove it. There are also unintentional side effects in life. Thank you, Guruji.
Kaal sarp vidhi Of my yajaman
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Pandit Ratish Joshi ji for conducting the ancient and potent Rudrabhishekam puja for me during the auspicious occasion of Shravan Purnima on 12th August 2022. I was very impressed to see that Pandit ji conducted the puja with absolute piety, exemplary commitment and unalloyed devotion. I was also humbled looking at how he is keeping our rich spiritual traditions alive and presenting it to people in the most authentic manner. Ratish ji comes across as someone who is very erudite, and at the same time, is grounded, courteous and dignified. I feel blessed to have experienced the puja under his able guidance. I hope he will give me the opportunity to do this puja again under his aegis. My humble obeisance and pranams to him.
श्री तीर्थ क्षेत्र स्वर्ग भूमी जहाँ पंडित श्री रतिश जी के हाथो से हम ने नारायण नागबली पूजा कराई हे काफी बढिया पूजा से अनुभव आया हे और आपके मंत्र के उचारण और आपका स्वभाव बहोत ही सुंदर था और आप ने जो हमे पूजा समजाके बतायें इस से मुझे भी समजमे आया कि हमने क्या पूजा किये और जो आपने हमे 2दिन में जो प्यार दिये परिवार जेसा वो हम नाही कभी भूल पायेंगे आपका हमेशा हमारे परिवार के उपर ऐसे ही आशीर्वाद रहे एसी प्रार्थना शिव जी के चरणो में करते हे हर हर महादेव
I was determined to do my pooja and Kalsarp Dosh remedy by Pandit ji from Inside the temple and accordingly I , asked to do my Pooja , Abhishek and Kalsarp dosh khandan by this Pandit ji.. within some little time I realized his vast knowledge and sign of authenticity through which I really have been impressed.Its a different level of satisfaction when right person take care of things. I met his whole family , they are so down to earth, they are so welcoming , they are so patient in their behaviour , accommodation etc in everything that I bow down to them always. I wish to keep in touch with them forever.. My humble pranam and I wish all the best for them to God always..
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