I am tamrapatradhari panditji. I am the holder of tamparpatra. Tamprapatra is ancient scripture which provides panditji purohit official right to perfome pujas in Trimbakehswar. I am official member of purohit sangh and have birth right as I belong from precious legacy of purohits from ages. Surely, I am authentic source where you can perform your poojas authentically and by proper spiritual tradition. Tamrpatra holds the special position as it provides authencation and certification to purohits of trimbakehswar temple. May lord shiva bless you!
सर्व धर्मा धार्मिक विधी करण्यासाठी आमच्या घराचा 300 वर्षांहून अधिक इतिहास आहे त्र्यंबकेश्वर मध्ये होण्याऱ्या विधी कालसर्प शांती, त्रिपिंडी श्राद्ध नारायण नागबली, अस्ति विसर्जन त्र्यंबकेश्वर मंदिर, लघुरुद्र, महारुद्ररूद्रअभिषेक, महामृत्यूंजय जप अनुष्ठान हवन आदि कर्म तसेच मंदिर मूर्ती प्राणप्रतिष्ठा नवचंडी ,गणेश याग, सर्व प्रकाचे यज्ञ शास्त्र शुद्ध पद्धतीने केले जातील आम्ही महाराष्ट्र तील मराठवाडा या भागातील ब्राम्हण समाज वंशपरंपरागत (नामावली) असलेले पुरोहित आहोत त्याच बरोबर गुजरातप्रांत मध्ये सौराष्ट्र भागातील यजमानांना आमच्या कडे परंपरा गत महामृत्यूं जय त्र्यंबकेश्वर अभिषेक जप अनुष्ठान लघुरुद्र पूजा साठी येत असतात तसेच राष्ट्रसंत जगद्गुरू जनार्दन स्वामी महाराज यांचा आशीर्वाद वारसा प्रमाणे पुरोहित आहोत
Excellent puja done for out family, thank you. Highly recommend
Rudrabhishek Pooja, we did it at Shri Trimbakeshwar Mahadev with Jaydeep pandit ji, and it was the best experience. Pandit ji was very knowledgeable, it was a great experience Thank you so much Pandit ji
Rudrabhishek Pooja, we did it at Shri Trimbakeshwar Mahadev with Jaydeep pandit ji, and it was the best experience. Pandit ji was very knowledgeable, It was a great experience. Thank you so much Pandit ji
Thanks for performing Abhishek for me and other members of the family. We are really greatful that you conducted Abhishek in our absence excellently. We will ever remain grateful to you. Thanks once again
Sarp dosh puja Was performed with devotion, Peace and meditation. All the rituals were done properly without any hussle. Pandit jee was very calm , focused and Chanting the mantras with clarity.
Very good...
The Pooja we did at Shri Trimbkeshwar Mahadev with Jaydeep ji was the best experience I ever had in my whole life we highly recommend him for any kind of prayers as he is excellent in his profession Thanks Jaydeep ji once again for your help
The Guruji was very knowledgeable,patient and help us connect to the overall process with proper explanation and background for every step.This helped us understand, connect and make maximum utilisation of the time, hopefully benefits will follow.Highly recommend Jaydeep Shikhare guruji for any Pooja at Trimbakeshwar
It was well arranged. The Pooja was performed with devotion and explained very nicely by shikhare guruji.
Verry good
We got done rudrabhishek through pandit jayadeep shikhareji. Hello is a rare combination of dedication sincerity and clarity on the puja done. Hello explained why and how of the puja involving us while performing the puja. Bholey baba ki kripa un par hamesha bani rahey.
Was happy with the service provided by Panditji. He even offered water touched by us to the main diety
Narayan Nagbali Puja was well performed by Jaydeep Guruji. I came from Assam and have fully satisfied with the rituals. Hope for the best.
Done awesome puja tqx
जयदीप शिखरे गुरुजींकडून रुद्राभिषेक पूजा करवून घेतली. गुरुजींनी खूप छान पूजा सांगितली. मंत्रोच्चार खूप स्पष्ट आणि श्रवणीय होते.
We worshiped kalsarp yog Pooja.It was so good they arranged all the things very nicely.It was an great experience
We are in contact with him since last 5 years We are satisfied with his all type of Pooja like kalsarp and also he arranged good facility for residents We had sent our 3 relatives for the Pooja. Their experience also good as they informed us. He also guided us the reason of this Pooja
जयदीप शिखारे गुरुजी ने बहुत अच्छी पूजा की. सभी व्यवस्थाएं अच्छी तरह से की गई थीं. जिस तरह से वह पूजा करते समय मंत्रोच्चार करते हैं, वह बहुत पसंद आया
Pooja was performed very nicely Thank you guruji I would recommend to visit guruji,if you come to trimbakeshwar temple
आम्ही त्रंबकेश्वर येथे जयदीप शिखरे गुरुजी यांच्याकडून कालसर्प पूजा केली. पूजा खूप उत्कृष्टरित्या पार पडल्याचे समाधान आम्हाला मिळाले त्याचप्रमाणे पूजा का करावी कशासाठी करावी हे गुरुजींनकडून सखोल ऐकायला मिळाले. राहण्याची सोय सुद्धा गुरुजींनी उत्तमरीत्या केली होती.
અમે ગુજરાતમાંથી ત્ર્યંબકેશ્વર ખાતે કલાસર્પ દોષ પૂજા કરવા આવ્યા હતા. અમને ત્ર્યંબકેશ્વર ખાતે પંડિતજી શ્રી જયદીપ શિખરે ગુરુજી દ્વારા પૂજા વિશે માહિતગાર કરવામાં આવ્યા હતા. અનંત કાલ સર્પ દોષ મારી કુંડળીમાં હતો. મારા માટે આ પૂજા કરવી ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ હતી. ગુરુજીએ કાલ સર્પ દોષ પૂજા વિશે સંપૂર્ણ વિગતો આપી હતી. શું છે કલ સર્પ દોષ પૂજા? કાલસર્પ દોષ કેટલા પ્રકારના હોય છે? કાલસર્પ દોષનું શું પરિણામ છે? કાલ સર્પ દોષના ફાયદા. આમાંની ઘણી બાબતો ગુરુજીએ સારી રીતે કહી હતી. કુલ 12 પ્રકારના કાલ સર્પ દોષ હોય છે. તેમાં તમારી કુંડળીમાં શું ખોટું છે તે મુજબ આ પૂજા કરવામાં આવે છે. ત્ર્યંબકેશ્વરમાં પણ ગુરુજીનો ઉત્તમ નિવાસ હતો. ગુરુજીને પૂજાનો ખૂબ જ સારો અનુભવ છે. ગુરુજીએ પૂજા સારી રીતે કરી હતી. શ્રી જયદીપ શિખરે ગુરુજી ત્ર્યંબકેશ્વરના શ્રેષ્ઠ પંડિતજી છે. તમારે પણ તેમની પૂજા કરવી જોઈએ. આભાર.
Jaydeep shikhare guruji ne bahut hi badhiya pooja karvaayi . Sab vayvastha acche se karvaayi gayi. Pooja karte samay unka mantr bolne ka tarika pasand aya .
I worshiped Mahamrituanjay jaap from Jaydeep Shikhare Guruji .He arranged all the things very well for us, liked the cleanness and all arrangment of the things used in pooja. Also satisfied by the explanation given by guruj and he cleared all the misunderstanding.
We worshiped Narayan Nagbali from Jaydeep Shikhare Guruji. Guruji explained in a very excellent way why and for what purpose we should do pooja. We got satisfaction by doing pooja. Guruji had also made very good accommodation.
आम्ही त्रंबकेश्वर येथे जयदीप शिखरे गुरुजी यांच्याकडून नारायण नागबली पूजा केली. पूजा खूप उत्कृष्टरित्या पार पडल्याचे समाधान आम्हाला मिळाले त्याचप्रमाणे पूजा का करावी कशासाठी करावी हे गुरुजींनकडून सखोल ऐकायला मिळाले. राहण्याची सोय सुद्धा गुरुजींनी उत्तमरीत्या केली होती.
आम्ही त्र्यंबकेश्वर येथे जयदीप शिखरे गुरुजीं कडून नारायण नागबली पूजा केली. पूजा खूप उत्तम रित्या, सरळ, आणि अर्थ पूर्ण अशी पूजा पार पडली.. पूजा का करावी? त्याचा अर्थ काय आणि पूजेचे लाभ गुरुजी नी उत्तम रित्या सांगितले . आणि राहण्याची सोय ही गुरुजींनी खूप छान केली.
आम्ही त्रयम्बकेश्वर येथे जयदीप शिखरे गुरूजींकडून नारायण नागबली पूजा केली. पूजा उत्तम रित्या संपन्न झाली. राहण्याची सोया देखील गुरुजींनी उत्तम प्रकारे केली.
मैंने और मेरी पत्नी ने 18 मार्च 2022 को श्री जयदीप महेश शिखर गुरुजी, त्र्यंबकेश्वर से कालसर्प शांति पूजा की। पूजा बहुत अच्छी रही। पूजा अनुष्ठान, उच्चारण, पूजा क्यों? गुरुजी ने हमें सरल तरीके से पूजा का महत्व समझाया, यहाँ तक कि छोटी से छोटी जानकारी भी। पूजा की व्यवस्था, स्थान, साफ-सफाई, हमारे बैठने की व्यवस्था बहुत अच्छी थी। मैं अपनी अगली सभी पूजा श्री जयदीप महेश शिखर गुरुजी से भी करूँगा। तुषार शेरेकर
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